vinland3Title of performance:

Vínland (Vineland)

Theatre Group: Freyvangsleikhúsið

Country: Iceland 3

Director: Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson

Date and time: Fri Aug 13 / 20.00-21.30

Vineland is a populous musical by Helgi Þórsson that takes place amongst the Nordic inhabitants of Greenland in the time of the Vikings and the voyage of Þorfinnur Karlsefni and company to the promised land of Vine in North-America. It is a story of love and fate, Christianity and Paganism, Vikings and Natives, joy and sorrows but in the end it is a story about what it means to be human and how that hasn’t changed through the ages by concentrating on the chieftain’s daughter, Freydís, and her love of a native Warrior.

Even though the music has its roots in Icelandic folk tradition it would most easily be categorized as Pop-music. It entails a wide range of genres from sweet ballads to classical Waltz, including punk, heavy metal and folk music. The score is by the band Helgi og hljóðfæraleikararnir. The tone of the piece is a bit wild. Fantasy has the overhand over the cold and hard reality of the Middle-ages. Costumes have a reference to the clothes of the period but with an emphasis on the grand and the sexy, short dresses, bare skin, colours and glitter that serves the central idea of an
ambitious musical, full of joy, singing and dance.



