Glitpúðursett – Sparkling Powder Set


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Sett af sniðmátum með glitpúðri og lími (Body glue). Princess, Aqua, Sport/Space/Dino/Hero.

Grimas Sparkling Powder er fínkorna, afar litríkt púður sem glitrar. Það er án plasts og því betra fyrir umhverfið. Hægt er að nota það til að lífga upp á hefðbundna förðun en einnig til að gera heillandi glimmertattú. Hægt að fá í mörgum litum og má blanda saman. 

Af síðu framleiðanda:
Grimas Sparkling Powder is a fine, highly pigmented powder with a subtle shimmer.

It’s plastic-free and a great alternative to plastic glitters. You can create fantastic beauty make-ups with it, but Sparkling Powder is also used for making glitter tattoos. Grimas Body Glue is a strong and long-lasting skin glue, suitable for many purposes. Body Glue is waterproof and does not contain alcohol or latex.
Remove Sparkling Powder with lukewarm water and soap (you can also use shampoo). Massage it in briefly and rinse off with lukewarm water.
Do not use ready-to-use cleansing cloths.

Dermatological declaration
In the dermatological declaration one can read the following:
The products have been dermatologically tested for 24, 48 and 72 hours on 30 persons with healthy skin. No irritation occurred.

Frekari upplýsingar

Frekari upplýsingar


Princess, Aqua, Sport Space, Dino, Hero


Mánudagur - Föstudagur: 9:00 — 13:00, Laugardagur - Sunnudagur: Lokað

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