Rubber Mask Grease 8ml fyrir Latex




Farði sérstaklega hentugur fyrir latexhluti s.s. gervinef, gervieyru o.s.frv. Hentar einnig sem farði fyrir Old Age Stipple.

Frá framleiðandanum Kryolan:
Rubber Mask Grease is a grease-based product with exceptional opacity and adherence. It is best used for coloring latex pieces like artificial noses, chin pieces, casualty simulations or rubber bald caps. To apply the product evenly a sponge is moistened with a little alcohol (e.g. Spirit Gum Remover and Thinner). This way Rubber Mask Grease allows a smooth, easy, and even thin application. Just like other grease-based make-up the Rubber Mask Grease should be fixed by using Translucent Powder.

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Monday - Friday: 9:00 — 13:00, Saturday - Sunday: Closed

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