Body Glue – Húðlím


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SKU: 0795 Categories: , ,



Húðlím fyrir m.a. glimmer, glimmertattú o.fl. til að líma á líkama.

Frá framleiðanda:
Grimas Body Glue is a strong and long-lasting skin glue, suitable for many purposes. Body Glue is waterproof and does not contain alcohol or latex.

It is ideal for making glitter tattoos with Grimas Sparkling Powder, Pearlite (Metallic), Shimmer Flakes or Crystal Flakes. The glitter tattoos will be water resistant and can last for several days. Body Glue can also be used for attaching Wool Crepe moustaches, beards and goatees, tule wigs, bald caps, latex noses and sets (among other things).

Remove Body Glue with Grimas Multi Remover Pure.

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